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Kickstart your journey with a comprehensive blueprint of best practice workflows for tax advisory engagement, enriched with real-world case studies, pricing suggestions, marketing communications, and project management insights.

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  • Monthly

 LIVE Power Hour to dive deep into strategies, overview, opportunities, and risks. 

Our Special Guest is Michael Simms of Veracity Advisers to talk about Leveraged Entity Ownership Strategy | LEOS/SOP

  • Oct 24th, 2024
  • 11 AM CT
  • Online, Private for paid users

 LIVE Power Hour to dive deep into strategies, overview, opportunities, and risks. 

Our Special Guest is Heidi Henderson of Engineered Tax Services to discuss R & D Credits.

  • Nov 21st, 2024
  • 12 PM CT
  • Online, Private for paid users

 LIVE Power Hour to dive deep into strategies, overview, opportunities, and risks. 

Our Special Guest is Jennifer Baker of Baker Wealth Strategies to talk about Defined Benefit Plan. 

  • Nov 21st, 2024
  • 12 PM CT
  • Online, Private for paid users

Our TaxPlanIQ demo will give you an overview of how we can help you and your team with tax planning, organization, efficiency, and increased value.

  • Daily M- F
  • As available
  • Online, Public, Free

Onboarding sessions help you set up a client and build a tax plan. This is a WORKSHOP using templated client data that we present.

  • Daily M- F
  • As Available
  • Online, Private for for Customers only

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